Keima’s mentor ship class has taught me so much.
If you’re thinking about taking this mentorship course I want you to ask yourself this questions have you ever met your true self? have you ever pictured how your true self would look like ?have you ever imagine how your life would look like if you were living to your fullest potential?
Taking this mentorship has allowed me to look at myself in the mirror and see that I am powerful. When I started my journey into this mentorship experience a lot of shifts had occurred in my life. I gained awareness and began to understand truth.I learned so much including self love, understanding ,inner standing and over standing my inner self. I have learned how to protect myself , gain a stronger connection to the divine and two my ancestors as well. This mentorship has turned me into a woman I’ve always wanted to see in the mirror. Keima’s mentorship assisted in showed me what my true purposes in life is. now I live a life that is extraordinary because I live my life with purpose.