Queen of Pentacles Money Drawing Soap
The Queen of Pentacles represents stability, security, wealth, and success in the material world that goes beyond just maintaining. We used the blank woman as Mother Earth, adorned in an elegant gown and holding a gold coin, she is the ultimate symbol of wealth, from her luscious hair to her melanated skin, she is the epitome of class and prestige. She is fertile in her abilities, strong in her femininity, and in alignment with all things that add to her.
This Soap was created to bring abundance, prosperity, good luck, and success into its users life, through raining down physical blessings of all kinds into the users life. Money will come to you in multiple ways, from multiple sources, because it is your birth rite. Your financial freedom is held in your own hands and mind.
Just wash the palms of your hands and rub them together towards you thinking about money, wealth, abundance, prosperity, assets, speak riches over yourself. Wash the soles of your feet to walk in financial favor. Wash up with this soap then Anoint your credit cards, bank statements, bills, etc. with this oil. Watch your money grow