Although Conjured Sista Hoodoo was established as a company within the past few years, owner and 6th Generation Hoodoo, Mama/Auntie Keima has been practicing the art for almost 30 years. She has 4 established Blood Lineages who have practiced the Art of Conjure and Hoodooism, and takes pride in teaching all of her extended Conjure Family, the True ins and outs of Hoodoo and standing in their power. The purpose of this family is not only to teach the Conjured Children, Hoodoo, but to help each and every Hoodoo Chile to develop a solid inner standing, understanding, and overstanding of themselves and their individual journeys as a whole. This family is not meant to bring the children into the belief that there will not be disturbances in their lives, but that they have the Divine Power, dwelling within themselves to navigate those disturbances with ease and peace of mind. This is a journey about healing and empowerment, connecting and becoming one with the soul, spirit, mind, and body, thus bringing a life of good health and wealth in all aspects of the meaning.